
Convection is the process of heat transfer in which particles change their positions by constantly moving from the warmer region to the cooler region, thus causing the heat energy to flow.

In convection, heat is carried by moving molecules of gases and liquids.

Land and Sea Breeze

In coastal areas, during day time, the land gets heated faster in comparison to seawater due to Sun's heat. As a result, the air above the land is warmer than that above the sea. The warmer air above the and becomes lighter and rises up allowing the cooler molecules of air from above the sea to move towards the land and fill up the empty space created by the moving hot air. This flow of cool air from the sea towards the land is called sea breeze.

Land cools faster than the water of the sea. As a result, the warmer and lighter air above the sea rises up allowing cool air from land to move towards the sea and fill up the space created there. This flow of cool air from land towards the sea is called land breeze.

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