Aquatic Animals.

Animals, that live in water, are called Aquatic Animals.
The most common aquatic animal, is a fish.
There can be a lot of different kind of fish, like a Shark, Whale, and Jellyfish.

Another type of aquatic animal is an octopus.
An octopus has 4 pairs of arms and are very flexible.
They are also among the most intelligent aquatic animals.
Let us read about a few more aquatic animals.
Amazing Aquatic Animals.
1. A Seahorse

Seahorses are fish. They breathe using gills and can swim.
But Seahorses are bad swimmers.
2. A Turtle

Turtles have a hard shell that protects them like a shield.
Turtles are excellent swimmers.
3. An Eel

Eels may look like a snake but they are actually fish.
The eel uses the electric shock to catch its prey.
All the animals that live in water are called as aquatic animals.